Research Interests
- Causal inference
- Machine learning
- Psychometrics
- Early childhood education
- Chronic absenteeism
- Executive functioning
- Educational equity
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Wu, T., Weiland, C., McCormick, M., C., Hsueh, J., Snow, C., & Sachs, J. (2024). One score to rule them all: Comparing the predictive and concurrent validity of 30 ways to score the Hearts and Flowers task. Assessment, 1-19. link here
Working Papers
Wu, T., & Weiland, C. (2024). Leveraging modern machine learning to improve early warning systems and reduce chronic absenteeism in early childhood (EdWorkingPaper No. 24-1081). Annenberg Institute at Brown University. link here
Policy Briefs
Wu, T., McCormick, M., Weiland, C., Hsueh, J., Sachs, J., & Snow, C. (2023). What sustains the pre-K boost? New evidence from Boston Public Schools. Boston Early Childhood Research Practice Partnership.
Weiland, C., McCormick, M., Wu, T., MacDowell, C., Guerrero-Rosada, P., Taylor, A., Snow, C., & Sachs, J. (2023). Teacher well-being and professional development in a pandemic: Evidence from early educators in the Boston Public Schools. Boston Early Childhood Research Practice Partnership.
Wu, T., Weiland, C., McCormick, M., Sachs, J., Taylor, A., Hsueh, J., & Snow, C. (2023). What if You Miss the First Year of an Aligned Curriculum? Boston Public Schools’ Pre-K Non-Attenders Made Equivalent Learning Gains Whether or Not their Kindergarten Program was Aligned with Pre-K. Boston Early Childhood Research Practice Partnership.
Professional Presentations
Wu, T. & Weiland, C. (2024, September). Leveraging Modern Machine Learning to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism in Early Childhood. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE), Baltimore, MD.
Wu, T., Weiland, C., Unterman, R., Shapiro, A. (2023, November). Prekindergarten absenteeism in Boston Public Schools: Predictors, patterns, and relationships to learning outcomes. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM), Atlanta, GA.
Wu, T., Weiland, C., McCormick, M., Hsueh, J., Snow, C., & Sachs, J. (2023, May). One score to rule them all? Comparing the predictive and concurrent validity of 30 ways to score the Hearts and Flowers task. HighScope International Conference, Ypsilanti, MI.
Wu, T., Weiland, C., McCormick, M., Hsueh, J., Snow, C., & Sachs, J. (2023, May). One score to rule them all? Comparing the predictive and concurrent validity of 30 ways to score the Hearts and Flowers task. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.
Wu, T., Weiland, C., McCormick, M., Hsueh, J., Snow, C., & Sachs, J. (2023, March). One score to rule them all? Comparing the predictive and concurrent validity of 30 ways to score the Hearts and Flowers task. The Susan B. Meister Lecture in Child Health Policy, the University of Michigan Child Health Evaluation and Research Center, Ann Arbor, MI.
Wu, T. (2019, June). Multiplication is Vexation and Practice Drives Me Mad: Retrieval Practice Accuracy Mediates the Effect of Math Anxiety on Test Performance. The University of Chicago MAPSS Conference, Chicago, IL.
Jenifer, J. & Wu, T. (2019, May). Math Anxiety & Retrieval Practice: A Potential Strategy for Reducing Performance Gaps. Association for Psychological Science (APS) 31st Annual Convention. Washington, D.C.
Sommer, T.E., Chase-Lansdale, L., Sabol, T.J., Yoshikawa, H., Brooks-Gunn, J., Wu, T. (2014, June). Barrier or Opportunity to Promote Parental Employment?: Early Childhood Education Programs for Low-Income Children. Work and Family Researchers Network Conference. New York City, NY.